African Fruit Salad

AFRICAN FRUIT SALAD #2 Yes it’s African. What’s the matter with that? Hey, I researched it after the fact of naming it African.  Africans eat dates, pineapples and bananas – there’s a big history there. That’s all the proof I need, that Africans don’t require animals in their diet. They just think they do. It’sContinueContinue reading “African Fruit Salad”


BING CHERRY AND RED GRAPE SALAD with navel and mandarin oranges, sweet onion rings and fresh green pepper. Marinated in a sweet-sour extra virgin olive oil, ginger, garlic and mint vinaigrette, with cinnamon, cloves and coriander! Makes 7 cups 2 c. fresh seedless red grapes, cut in half 3 c. fresh Bing cherries, pitted andContinueContinue reading “BING CHERRY AND RED GRAPE SALAD”