Happy New Year World

Lick Your Chops Animal-Free Recipes From THE ANIMAL-FREE CHEF There is a point beyond which more practice, more work-outs or a more stringent diet will not make you more proficient, stronger nor healthier. The Animal-Free Chef applies that principle to Mainstream Animal-Free Cuisine! You can LICK YOUR CHOPS AFTER EVERY MEAL and still achieve optimalContinueContinue reading “Happy New Year World”

Measurement Is My Language Of Cooking

MEASURING ACCURATELY The measured amount of each ingredient you put into a dish is directly related to the outcome of the dish. The reason we have measured recipes is because someone a long time ago discovered that so much of this and so much of that made a pleasing combination. They then wrote it downContinueContinue reading “Measurement Is My Language Of Cooking”

RE: Preparation Time For Recipes

It takes a lot longer to develop a recipe than it does to replicate a recipe. For that reason the prep times are not given. To estimate the time for each procedure after the fact would not be accurate enough for my tastes. The number of ingredients aren’t necessarily an indicator of preparation time.  


WATCH YOUR WEIGHT | BE A WORK IN PROGRESS Too often we set unrealistic short-term goals that should be in the long-term category. We’re always going to start tomorrow or next week and those weeks turn into years, because the job of reaching the goal is overwhelming. Your weight doesn’t begin and end with a weightContinueContinue reading “WATCH YOUR WEIGHT | BE A WORK IN PROGRESS”


I discovered over the years that if I kept in mind the calories in fat and sugar in the foods that I consumed that I was better able to control my weight. Too much fat not good. Too much sugar not good. It’s that simple. FAT: Margarine: 1 teaspoon = 34 calories 1 tablespoon =ContinueContinue reading “CALORIES IN FAT AND SUGAR”


GARLIC: POWDER vs GRANULATED Garlic powder textures like cornstarch. Granulated garlic textures like salt, but doesn’t melt or dissolve. The finer the granulation, the better. Shop around. Most markets now carry only the granulated, yet label it as garlic powder. Ninety-nine percent of the time I use granulated labeled as powder. I know it’s confusing,ContinueContinue reading “GARLIC: POWDER vs GRANULATED”