The Ordination Of The Plant

Plants like to be eaten. There’s no pain in it for them. They enjoy entering your system as food, medicine and nutrients to make you strong, efficient and happy to be alive.

That’s fun for them. They’re fulfilling their purpose. When you mix them with animals in your gut they rebel. They don’t want any animal taking away what they are preordained to do for you.

Plants have the keys to all your cells and they are working them. They strut for you. Take me. Take me. I’m the best. I can do for you what no animal can. We’re a perfect fit. I want to be the one you choose.

Animals don’t want you, we do. Animals resist when you hurt them. You can’t hurt us. And by the way, stop hurting them. We’re here for them too, to make them strong, efficient and happy to be alive.

Stop getting your food signals mixed up. They’re not begging you to kill and eat them. We are the ones begging you to pick us. That’s one of our most important functions and missions: to continue the growth of plant-eating species.

Say no to animals and yes to plants for a stronger, more efficient, happy to be alive person!

We have roots, animals don’t. That’s what differentiates us as food.


Published by Sharon Lee Davies-Tight, Philosopher, Diplomat, Animal-Free Chef, Spirit Artist, Activist

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