Many vegans on social media act like recovering addicts needing to sponsor someone in order to stay vegan. They first pick their families. When that doesn’t work they go outside the family. 

That’s when they get desperate and start abusing others. 

That’s when they fall. These are the vegans nobody likes. They’re too needy.

Animal-eating needs to be recognized as the addiction it is. Much like coffee, alcohol and other drugs, not everyone gets the addiction disease. But when ingesting animal products at every meal and between meals, then when eliminating it from their lives, withdrawal of some sort occurs till the organism adapts.

When somebody says, “oh no, it’s not an addiction, I haven’t eaten animals in ten years and never looked back, never a problem for me”, they’re lying through their animal-eating teeth. Or, they have an eating disorder and are addicted to not eating, or they’re bingeing and throwing up, so the animal never gets processed through the body.

Veganism justifies eating disorders. Well gee, there’s nothing good to eat out there. Restaurants lie when they say they have food vegans can eat; usually it’s gluten-free. Eating establishments have become safe haven for vegans.

Whew, nothing vegan on the menu, so blame the compassion I have for the animals on that one. I’d rather starve than eat what they’re serving at this restaurant, and that one and every one.

Put an animal-free meal in front of them and they’ll turn their noses up at it claiming some animal in the rain forest just got kicked out of her tree by the ways of Big Agriculture. It has to be vegan, you see.

Oh, guess what? Just found an Impossible burger in the freezer. Supposed to cook them frozen; you are in luck.

Ohh, I don’t think so, not so fast, that grill cooked another burger called an animal, just saw about ten of them come out.

The cook said she’d wipe it super clean just for you; you can even watch.

No-o-o, don’t think so. I’m fine. I’ll just watch the others eat death.

That person is not an animal rights activist, she’s an activist in support of eating disorders, hiding them under the vegan label.

Why did you come to the restaurant if you didn’t want to eat?

It’s just so painful for me to see all these dead animals going into people’s mouths, that I lost my appetite.

We can convert the restaurant to foods vegans can eat. How about that?

Ah-h- I don’t think so. Right next door is a deli selling animals dead of course, but once they were alive.

Then what are you going to eat?

I’ll find something.

On the way home she stops at a fast food joint and wolfs down two burgers in the car, then runs into the fast food restaurant restroom gasping and choking saying she was poisoned with dead animal meat and throws it all up – using her experienced fingers to coax it. She gets a refund on the way out, saying somebody told her the burgers were vegan.

That’s an eating disorder. People with eating disorders claiming to not eat animals is a tell. Not always; there’s always someone to prove the exception to the rule.


Published by Sharon Lee Davies-Tight, Philosopher, Diplomat, Animal-Free Chef, Spirit Artist, Activist

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