Familiar and new. Old school, new school. The best of Caesar!

Makes 2 extra large servings

Animal-Free Barbecue Mayonnaise Spread (locate in Sauce/Condiment and Animal-Free Dairy sections), ⅓ c.

white Balsamic vinegar

2 peeled garlic cloves, mashed on counter top, not board, till fine

6 c. fresh romaine lettuce cuts, light and dark green parts

sea salt

1 mojito lemon, rolled firmly on counter top to loosen pulp, cut in half, and seed

2 slices potato or French/Italian bread, toasted and spread with coconut oil spread, sprinkled with garlic powder, then cut into ½ inch cubes

2 T. pine (pignoli) nuts

fresh cracked pepper

Place Animal-Free Barbecue Mayonnaise Spread in small bowl.  Add white Balsamic vinegar, a little at a time, stirring till smooth, till you reach desired consistency. On the thin creamy side is better suited for Caesar salad, rather than thick, creamy.

Add mashed garlic, stir and set aside.

Place romaine cuts in large salad bowl for tossing. Sprinkle lightly with sea salt.

Squeeze ½ of the mojito lemon evenly over lettuce. Toss.

Add croutons and sprinkle with pine nuts.

Pour dressing over all. Toss to coat evenly.

Lift onto 2 serving plates. Sprinkle each with fresh cracked pepper, then squeeze second half of lemon evenly over each salad. Serve at once.

Notes: This is my all-time favorite blast from the past, but without the animal. Hits a home run in any kitchen!

What’s missing in today’s Caesar salads most notably is the fresh lemon. Mojito lemons are soft, juicy and delicious. Don’t be afraid to use too much.

The smoky flavor of the dressing and the texture and flavor of the pine nuts impart the essence of parmesan cheese and anchovies.

Cold, crisp lettuce makes any salad shine. Bag lettuce is contraindicated for true Caesar salad. Wash, drain, dry, crisp for best results. We’re not doing a salad in a bag, we’re looking for a memorable experience.


Published by Sharon Lee Davies-Tight, Philosopher, Diplomat, Animal-Free Chef, Spirit Artist, Activist

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