Men and women are worried about the phytoestrogens in plant meats.

If men are worried about being turned into a woman, what do the women have to fear, being turned into a man?

An “occasional” meatless meal won’t give you a sex change? Who said anything about occasional? Meat at every meal is the deal, has been for decades. If not meat, then some animal product – milk and/or eggs are in just about everything. It’s almost like once they started using the fluids and eggs of the animals, they put them everywhere, whether it improved the product or not. Can you imagine the obsessive compulsions directed at finding uses for animal products? Looking back it all seems pathological.

When you have to read a label to see if there are any animal products in the product you want to buy, that tells you that nearly everything contains animals of some sort. Otherwise you wouldn’t have to look.

Most of the men I see in Cleveland are fat and they all have man boobs and none of them are vegetarian or vegan. I mean, why do men have breasts in the first place? Or hadn’t anybody noticed?

The rapid growth hormones they get from eating animals designed to grow fast and fat is what’s responsible for their breasts being kicked into milk producing gear!!

Hey, if this keeps going and men keep overloading their systems with rapid growth hormones, the men will develop the capacity to become milk producing machines and be able to feed the planet! You know, how they expect the cows to give them milk? Well, now the human male will be the number one supplier. Nobody will want human female milk. MALE MILK will be in HIGH DEMAND. WE’VE GOT MALE BOOBS. Who WANTS cows when we’ve got HUMANS?

But wait, it’s happening to women too. Ever see so many women with super huge boobs walking around all over the planet – almost like they’re being HAND-BRED for factory farming of milk? They’re almost half their body size. And their bodies are huge too. Where did they come from? Cows, Chickens, Pigs, Lambs…that’s where. It’s because of the animals they eat, not because of plant estrogen.

The Republicans in the USA had nothing to do with people’s soy fears that began a long time ago. This is nothing new and the discovery was made by Asians who eat a lot of it and written up by the British. The story wasn’t about boobs. It was about decreased libido – in both men and women after they consumed tofu. It “cools the cockles”, they say – but only temporarily.

Cockles refers to the testicles in men – maybe women will be growing cockles too – not impossible through the evolutionary process that lots of people claim doesn’t exist. Cockles are in the mollusk family and the shape resembles testicles.

I never thought it a good idea to have sex after a meal. We’d have sex first, then go out to wine and dine. Much more fun and relaxing that way, rather than hardly enjoying the meal with sex on our minds – this way we had the best of both worlds.


Published by Sharon Lee Davies-Tight, Philosopher, Diplomat, Animal-Free Chef, Spirit Artist, Activist

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