Why Fool With The Perfect Foods?

Ever notice that no one has tried to make an animal taste and texture like a plant? For instance, make a cow look, taste and texture like a tomato? Why fool with the perfect foods? In other words, would anyone want to take an animal and transform it into something that tastes and textures similar to a plant?

We do that though in a round about way. We use plant sauces to cover the bad taste of flesh and blood. We mix veggies and fruits and nuts and grains and legumes, spices, herbs, oils with all kinds of animal products to cover the taste of the animal.

Even when we want just the raw segment of animal muscle to eat, we usually marinate, rub, sear, char/boil/bake/roast it in very specific ways in able to stomach it. It’s not that we don’t like tomatoes, it’s that they already exist in a perfect form and nobody has guilt over eating them, so why try to replicate a tomato using cow tissues?

Eating animals does not come natural to the human species. It just doesn’t. We’re not quick enough on our feet or with our hands, we don’t possess the teeth to chew a raw whole animal, nor do we possess the digestive tracts necessary to support the consumption of the whole animal, as whole food enthusiasts want you to think.

Bones, hair, nails, all the other junk that a breathing, feeling Holy Being consists of – are not meant for human consumption. It doesn’t matter if a snake eats a rat, which has always been your justification for eating the snake and the rat. Snakes eat humans too, so guess that makes it okay for you to do the same.

No it doesn’t.

Just because you get away with murder, doesn’t make murder right. Eating animals is murder. Premeditated murder.

To make you stop murdering other beings deserving of life, we can make you plant food that tastes and textures similar to the animals you slaughter. How about that?

In lieu of a prison sentence, you go free and we’ll reward you with plant food specifically designed to satisfy your sadistic urges absent the suffering of your victims.

I say take it.

Chef Davies-Tight

Published by Sharon Lee Davies-Tight, Philosopher, Diplomat, Animal-Free Chef, Spirit Artist, Activist

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