Cut Out The Processing Animal

We grow more plants to feed animals whom we kill to eat, than we grow to feed humans.

But when we eat the animals we’re not getting the benefit of all those veggies eaten by all those animals, because the veggies are no longer veggies.

The veggies eaten by the animal build muscle, fat and bone as well as maintain all organs and systems of the animal.

Knowing that, why not eat the plants in their natural form instead of processing them through an animal? If plants build muscle, fat and bone as well as maintain all organs and other systems in the animal you’re eating, then why not cut out the middle animal and eat plants directly, letting our own bodies build from the benefit?

People who want corn fed cows or grass fed cows are making a connection between what a cow eats and what they want to put, pre-processed by the animal, into their bodies. But these same people won’t eat corn. It makes no logical sense to get the benefits of corn after a cow has eaten it. When you eat a cow you’re not getting the benefit of the corn. You have to eat the corn to get that benefit

We don’t get two in one by processing veggies in the animal before we eat the animal.

Cut out the middle animal – the processing animal – so we get our plant food in it’s non-processed form.

Then stop raising animals to eat.

Feeding animals veggies and other animals, then killing them for our plate isn’t an efficient way to feed humans.

~ Sharon Lee Davies-Tight

Published by Sharon Lee Davies-Tight, Philosopher, Diplomat, Animal-Free Chef, Spirit Artist, Activist

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