Sauteed onion and canned pinto beans cooked with maple syrup, Balsamic vinegar and tarragon. These wonderfully light, sweet, richly flavorful beans are waiting to impress!

Serves 4

2 T. peanut oil, I used Planter’s

1 med. yellow onion, cut in half from top to bottom, then each half cut lengthwise, from top to bottom into thin strips


¼ c. pure maple syrup (Grade A)

2, 15 oz. cans pinto beans including liquid

½ t. garlic powder

¼ t. dry mustard

1 t. dried tarragon

2 t. Balsamic vinegar

2 dashes red cayenne pepper

2 t. additional maple syrup

In large saucepan, over medium-low heat, melt oil. Add onion, a little salt, and cook till wilted, translucent and brown-tinged.

Pour maple syrup over onions. Cook for 2 minutes, stirring continuously.

Add pinto beans, garlic, dry mustard, tarragon, vinegar, red cayenne pepper and black pepper.

Stir well and cook, uncovered, at a slow boil till liquid from the beans thickens and becomes creamy.

Remove from heat and add additional maple syrup. Stir and serve.

Notes: Serve with a side salad of green leaf lettuce with a homemade oil and vinegar dressing.

Use the yellow onions that come packed in netted bags.

Published by Sharon Lee Davies-Tight, Philosopher, Diplomat, Animal-Free Chef, Spirit Artist, Activist

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